AEP Special Seminar: Ying Yang, Postdoctoral Researcher, Argonne National Laboratory
Spin-photon Interaction in Hybrid System
Dr. Ying Yang, Postdoctoral Researcher, Argonne National Laboratory and University of Chicago
Abstract: Light-matter interaction plays a vital role in developing hybrid systems to integrate their advantages and advancing more powerful, scalable, and versatile quantum devices and networks. In this seminar, I will mainly present my research on spin-photon interactions within coupled cavity magnonic systems, where the dissipation is incorporated and the capabilities across time and space are explored. Within the dissipative coupling mechanism, key phenomena such as nonreciprocity, exceptional points (EPs), and bound states in the continuum (BICs), are explored for their practical applications in devices like isolators, circulators, and sensors. Additionally, Floquet modulation is employed to control higher-order EPs; while long-distance coupling facilitates efficient remote energy transfer for future networks. Complementing these works, my current postdoctoral research focuses on spin-defects in carbon nanotubes, which aims to explore the nanomagnetism and expand future understanding of spin-photon interactions in novel materials. Together, these studies deepen our understanding of spin-photon interactions by investigating dissipation, time and spatial distance, and explore novel spin materials like carbon nanotubes. The insights highlight the potential of hybrid systems with novel materials and enriches future advancements in quantum information processing.
Bio: Dr. Yang specializes in spin defects and spin-photon interaction in hybrid systems. She arned her Ph.D. from the University of Manitoba in Oct. 2023, where her research focused on coupled microwave cavities and magnetic materials, including dissipative coupling, nonreciprocity, singularities, Kerr nonlinearity, Floquet modulation and long-distance coupling. She has published multiple papers in Physical Review Letters and other journals, and has received the University of Manitoba Distinguished Dissertation Award. Her current work explores nanomagnetism in carbon nanotubes, and her research plan is to explore further fundamental physics in hybrid quantum systems.