Black Plant Scientists: A Traveling Exhibit from the Plant Cell Atlas (PCA) Initiative
This February, the Center for Programmable Plant Systems, the Section of Horticulture at Cornell’s School of Integrative Plant Sciences, and Mann Library are hosting a month-long exhibit recognizing ground-breaking discoveries made by four Black pioneers in the study of plants and human well-being. The Cornell and Ithaca-area communities are cordially invited to browse a display created artist Maxwell Eckelbarger and the non-profit Plant Cell Atlas Initiative featuring portraits and biographies of Marie Clark Taylor (plant photomorphogenesis); George Washington Carver (peanut-soybean-sweet potato crop rotation for improved soil and human health); Edmond Albius (vanilla orchid pollination); Percy Lavon Julian (synthesis of medicine from plants). The display will be viewable February 1 – 29 on Mann Library’s first floor. An opening reception for the exhibit will take place in the Mann Library lobby on Friday, February 2, 2024, 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.