BME7900 Seminar: Gennady Shvets (Cornell AEP)

Gennady Shvets is a J. Preston Levis Professor of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell University. He received his Ph.D. in physics from MIT in 1995. Before moving to Cornell in 2016, he was on the physics faculty of the University of Texas at Austin for 12 years. His research interests at the intersection of nanotechnologies and biophotonics include bio-spectroscopy, chemical imaging of live cells, and microfluidics. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, Optical Society of America, and SPIE.

His most recent work deals with the applications of metamaterials and plasmonics to biosensing and molecular fingerprinting of proteins and live cells using metamaterial arrays. He is particularly interested in the integration of plasmonic metasurfaces with various applications-specific platforms such as microfluidics and optical fibers. His group is exploring the nano-bio interface between plasmonic structures and living cells, tissues, and bacterial colonies. Recently, he demonstrated the first metasurface-based tool for studying the effects of pharmaceutical stimuli on living cells in real time, including drug effects on cellular morphology, motility, and metabolism.

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