Constantine Samaras (Carnegie Mellon University)
Constantine (Costa) Samaras is a professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Affiliated Faculty in the Energy Science, Technology and Policy Program at Carnegie Mellon University. His research focuses on the pathways to clean, climate-safe, equitable, and secure energy and infrastructure systems. From 2021-2024, he served in the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) as the Principal Assistant Director for Energy, OSTP Chief Advisor for Energy Policy, and then OSTP Chief Advisor for the Clean Energy Transition.
This public event is part of the Cornell Climate Impact Speaker Series and highlights the work of prominent leaders in climate change mitigation and adaptation. It is an opportunity for the Cornell community to hear from climate professionals in business, academia, philanthropy, and government and learn from their experiences and insights.
(A time for conversation and refreshments will follow the event.)
Hosted by The 2030 Project: A Cornell Climate Initiative – harnessing the collaborative scholarship, science, innovation, and entrepreneurialism of a world-class research university to scale tangible climate solutions.