Cooperative Adaptation Strategies for Affordable Housing in New York City

Because of rising sea levels and more-frequent major storms, New York City already experiences and faces growing flood risks: the number of New Yorkers directly threatened by flooding could double by 2080, and lower-income housing is particularly threatened.

Linda Shi (City and Regional Planning) and Kate Boicourt (EDF) will present on research supported by a 2022 Cornell Atkinson Innovation for Impact Fund Award: Cooperative Strategies for Just and Ecological Adaptation to Flooding in New York City


This is the second of two Sustainable Action Lectures presented by Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, preceded by:

April 12, 2023, 4 P.M., 401 Warren Hall: Integrating Equity into Benefit-Cost Analysis of Flood Risk Management
Presented by: Todd Gerarden (Dyson School) & Dave McLaughlin (EDF)

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