Exhibit Opening and Talk: Invasive Species in the Northeast
Join us for the opening of Invasive Species: A Collaborative Exhibit in Mann Library! The opening events will start with a talk in Mann room 160 followed immediately by a reception in Mann Gallery on the second floor.
4-5 PM: Talk in Mann Library Room 160
“Hemlock woolly adelgid and other forest threats – how are we addressing them?”
by Grace Haynes, New York State Hemlock Initiative (NYSHI)
Introductory remarks by Johannes Lehmann, Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor, School of Integrative Plant Science, Soil and Crop Sciences Section
In this talk, Grace Haynes of the New York State Hemlock Initiative (NYSHI) will give an overview of invasive forest insect pests in the northeastern United States, focusing primarily on the hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA). NYSHI has spent many years developing and implementing management of HWA, a devastating insect pest, to mitigate its impact on our native hemlock forests. Learn more about HWA and other invasive forest pests and how we can work together to protect our forests – through strategies ranging from forest management to the use of art and communication.
5-6 PM: Reception in the Mann Gallery, Second Floor
5:15-5:30: Remarks by the contributing artists, Hovey Brock and students from Earth Projects (ENVS 3200).
This event is free and open to all. Refreshments will be served.