Information session: Master of Professional Studies in Global Development at Cornell University
Our 1-year Master of Professional Studies (MPS) in Global Development at Cornell University is designed for early and mid-career professionals to take their career to their next level. This program will enhance your practical and technical skills and prepare you for a career in field-based development and policy in low-income and rural communities around the globe. Our graduate students and alumni are at the frontlines of developing solutions to pressing issues — from agriculture and food systems to gender, economics and demographics — on the local and global scale.
Interested in learning more about doing an MPS in Global Development at Cornell? Please join one of our informal information sessions, led by the Co-Directors of the program, to answer any question you might have about the MPS in Global Development.
Register for an upcoming session:
Wednesday, January 24, 9am ETTuesday, February 13, 9am ET