Universities and Peace: The Role of Higher Education and Peace Pedagogies in Peacebuilding, Resistance and Citizenship
Perspectives in Global Development: Fall 2022 Seminar Series
Speaker: Larisa Kasumagić-Kafedžić
Register Here: https://bit.ly/Perspectives_Kasumagic-Kafedzic
This lecture will explore the role of higher education in responding to conflict by opening up the questions of the responsibility of higher education institutions to educate the students, citizens, professionals and leaders of the future to act ethically in defense of the peace values. Since universities can be seen as microcosms of society the question arises whether the university programs prioritize the contribution to the public good and what their role and responsibility should be in educating young people to address some of the society’s biggest problems. The lecture will discuss the potential of integrating peace pedagogies across the curriculum in university programs and it will use the example of International Research Project University Peace Hubs: Peace-building pedagogies in higher education (2018-2020), which aimed at illustrating and documenting good practices of teaching about peace and actively working for peace in places and contexts where politics, schooling and socialization processes remain or become challenging, deeply divided and polarized (Rwanda, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Colombia, United Kingdom). The lecture will argue that the pedagogical experience of working directly with difference, controversial and sensitive issues, by integrating peace pedagogies and peace approaches to education in different discipline areas, can build student knowledge and values aimed for building skills of negotiation, intercultural sensitivity, deepened understanding of different world views and fostering attitudes of acceptance and respect.
About the speaker
Larisa Kasumagić-Kafedžić is an associate professor at the University of Sarajevo’s Department of English Language and Literature in the Faculty of Philosophy. Her peacebuilding engagement began during the war in BiH with co-founding the organization Sezam (1994-95) and working on child war trauma, peace education and nonviolent communication with teachers and schools in conflict-affected communities. She is a 2003-04 Cornell University Hubert Humphrey Fellow Alumni. She holds an MPS in International Development and Education from Cornell University and a Ph.D. in English Language Pedagogy and Intercultural Education from Sarajevo University. Her teaching, writing and research interests focus on critical, peace and intercultural pedagogies in teacher education and language and culture didactics. She is the founder and the president of the Peace Education Hub, established in 2020 at the University of Sarajevo. She is currently a visiting associate professor at the University of Cornell where she will spend the 2022-23 academic year as a Fulbright Visiting Scholar Fellow. Her research project “Teachers as Agents of Change: Education for Peace and Social Responsibility“ will enable her to collaborate closely with schools, teachers and teacher educators in Ithaca and the region, while also providing various lectures and seminars on her expertise, experience and research with students, professors and community members at Cornell in the 2022-23 academic year.
About the seminar series
The Perspectives in Global Development seminars are held Wednesdays from 12:25 – 1:15 p.m. eastern time during the semester. The series will be presented in a hybrid format with some speakers on campus and others appearing via Zoom. All seminars are shown in Warren 151. Students, faculty and the general public are welcome to attend. The series is co-sponsored by the Department of Global Development, the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Charles H. Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management, and the School of Integrative Plant Science as part of courses GDEV 4961, AEM 4961, NTRES 4961, GDEV 6960, AEM 6960, and NTRES 6960.